Winter Weather
Guests often ask, “What’s Lubec like in the winter? What do you do?”
Well, first, weather. Lubec, particularly Quoddy Head, is warmer in
winter than inland Maine [15 miles west] due to our easternmost
proximity to the Gulf Stream. Cooler in the summer, also, no A/C.
Here’s how this weekend evolved into reality. This morning we are
having a rain-snow event. Less than an inch, mostly rain. Inland 1-4”.
This morning I drove on clear, salted roads, truck just weighted with
280 pounds of sand tubes. Maine does a great job keeping our roads
On a snowy side road, 8 turkeys crossed, scattering together. Patricia
saw a white rabbit, a rare Arctic hare, crossing her driveway to munch
on spruce tips.
December Activities & Gatherings in Lubec
Today we had an hour and a half yoga class at 10 AM. Last night, some
Prosecco at Water St Tavern, then on to the Legion with friends and
music. Tonight, homemade pizza at 5 with our friends Teri and Rusty.
Friday night, we celebrated Phil & Jean’s birthdays at the Legion,
everyone welcome. We brought chicken pot pies, chatted with friends,
live music. A fun crowd all around.
The Heart of the Community: The American Legion
The American Legion is the place you meet old and new friends, no
membership required. I go to find out what folks are saying about me,
whether it’s true or not. Very casual, well-poured, low-priced beverages
of all sorts. Local news freely dispensed and distributed. This afternoon,
at the Legion, children up to 12 will see Santa arriving on the fire truck
with gifts.